Week 8: Schooling

Most of the other school pictures look a lot different than my school. The classes and the uniforms looked nothing like ours! Every thing was so different and for most of them I didn’t know that the reading rate was that high or that low in those countries. I learned a lot from the pictures. I would like to go and try to learn in some of the classes like Russia, but the look very strict. The schooling Germany because they look chill and lay back. I thought my class was big but some of those classes has over 60 kids in just One class, others had less the 20 kids in the whole school. Some of the pictures made me sad. In a country the reading rate was under 40%. I think we take reading for granted. There are a lot of kids in some country that wish and pray that they could read just one book, and we almost always complain about how we don’t want to read. I think we should be happy to read and teach others that can’t, I’m not saying you have to go to some other country but like reading to your little sister or brother, or just a cousin.

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