Archive | April 2014

Week 7:leadership

Out side if school I am in a YMCA leadership group. We plan event to raise money and help the community. We have lots of different events like Feed My Starving Children, we package food to send to kids in 3rd world countries with no food. We did the Macys bell ringing where we stood outside during Christmas time, rang bells and sung Christmas song so people would give us money to buy food and toys for people that don’t have them during Christmas time. We raise money and built a school in Africa. I also participated in WE Day. We Day is an event that honors teen that help the world and their community. Teens tell what why and how they helped the world, it is a special event that you have to be invited to, only three people in my leaders group got invited. Leadership group thought me a lot of important life skills and it made me a better person.


Week 6:My Passion


My passion is dancing. I dance everywhere all the time in the store, at home, at my friends house, in the studio. I used to be in a dance school, I learned and performed all types of dance hip hop, ballet, tap, contemporary, jazz and praise. I doesn’t matter what type of dance it is I love it all. I really like when I get to learn other cultures types of dance. I think most dancing is easy but there are some really hard types! Dancing is a good way to stay fit and exercise. It makes me feel so happy I feel like I’m in a different world where nothing can go wrong and I don’t care what people think of me or my dancing. I always have a good time dancing even if I’m not doing so good. My cousin,Rachel, and I always used to dance together, we would learn dances from YouTube or make up our own routine to a song I still remember most of the dances. We would put on talent shows for our friends and family and we had the best time, I twisted my ankle dancing once but I got better after a cupel of weeks. But for the last 3 years I haven’t been dancing because dance schools are really expensive. But soon I hope I will be able to get in a dance school again because I really love it and I want to dance again!!


Week 5:Memories

Memories mean a lot to me, with out memories we would not remember who people are and if we like them or not. When you like someone you like them because you have good memories of them, if you don’t like them it’s because you have memories of them doing something you don’t like. Memories also effects peoples thinking process because if you have done something in the past that you are about to do again right then, you can remember the results and choose if you want to make the same choices as last time or try something new. Memories can effect how you feel, for some people if they remember something sad they might get sad. For others if they remember something happy they will be happy for the rest of the day if they keep thinking happy memories. But for some people it doesn’t effect how they feel. With out memories you would just forget things after they happen and I think that would suck.


My Catilina trip!!

My Catalina trip experience was very fun but my favorite part of the trip was kayaking. Kayaking was fun but also scary. I was partners with Natalie M. We both thought we were going to die. We had floats on and I am a very good swimmer, but I thought I would fall in the water and get eaten by a sea lions or get stuck in some kelp and drown. But none of that happened, our kayak almost flipped over but we were fine, we just got water in our kayak. When the kayaking trip was almost over the instructor gave us challenges. The challenges were for one person to stand in the kayak, then the next person, oar standing the kayak, the two people switch place in the kayak, then they both jump in the freezing cold water. Me and Natalie stood up in the kayak but were to scared to do anything else. When we were going back to shore we saw two sea lions and some pelicans that we thought were fighting. We didn’t get a good look at them because our kayak started to drift away. We also went throw a kept forest, that was very scary for me because I really don’t like kelp and seaweed.